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Family CareFamily Care

Family Care

Home placement for people with significant needs

A family who can give you a caring home environment

Even if you (or your loved one who is serviced by OPWDD) have been living at home until now, circumstances may change, and moving out might be a good option for you. Living with another warm family in the community can be the next best choice. They provide support, guidance, and the companionship of a family. Your intake specialist will explain all the information clearly so that you can make the decision that is right for you.

Families who offer their homes through this program are carefully vetted via interviews and state-mandated background checks before being accepted as caregivers. We will make every effort to ensure the family is fully capable of caring for your needs and is culturally a good fit for you. 

Who is eligible?

Participants must meet these criteria to apply for this service via Hamaspik of Kings County.

  • Live in NYC or Nassau County
  • Have an intellectual or developmental disability
  • Age 21+
You’ll be glad to know:

You’ll be glad to know:

  • The family will provide for your room, board, and personal needs — you don’t need to worry about a thing!
  • Families are supported by a team of professionals, which may include a Family Home Liaison, Family Home Coordinator, nurse, and psychologist. These OPWDD staff members are available to provide training, answer questions, and connect them to helpful resources.
  • We’ll match you up with a family who lives nearby, is culturally similar to your family, and who you will be comfortable with. Or, if you prefer a change, we can find a family in a different community.
  • While New York State’s Family Care program currently offers services only for people 21 years and older, families caring for younger people who are already in the program can continue to receive benefits through the program.

Becoming a Family Care provider

Do you have what it takes to make a difference? If you are able to provide a stable, loving home to a person with disabilities, here are some reasons you might want to consider it.

  • Many families find this arrangement greatly satisfying, and say their lives are enriched by the people they take in. The person is enrolled in a Day Hab program, so care providers are not tied down during the day.
  • Families get reimbursed for room, board, home maintenance, vacations, and clothing — all of which are tax-exempt.
  • Families receive training and ongoing support as long as the person lives with them.

The heart behind the service

Hamaspik Members

Cheskel Fisher

Department Director
Director of Residential Services

“When the biological family cannot care for their child, Family Care is the best alternative. Each and every one of our providers consider the individual placed with them to be one of their own children.”

  • Chesky TabakHome Family Care Coordinator
  • Yumi LowyHome Family Care Liaison

Interested in family placement?

While we’d love to provide a home for everyone in need, there is limited availability. Please reach out anyway to start the application process so if something comes up, you’ll already be in our system.

Considering becoming a provider? Please reach out and we’ll explain how the process works.

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Siblings are special too

Siblings of children with special needs have special needs, too!

Dr. Sora Yaraslowitz offers wise guidance on dealing with the emotional and practical challenges many sibs face. It’s advice you'll refer to time and again.

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