Building an edifice of giving Creating a haven of warmth

Our mission is more than a statement

We provide services, support,
and hope to people going through
challenges so they can lead a
fulfilling, productive life.

It's a mission that everyone at
Hamaspik knows verbatim

It’s a mission

rooted in

It’s more than mere words:

We help families from the moment they reach out, facilitating invaluable peer support and resources even before they start the intake process. And we continue to counter the inevitable challenges as partners — every day. Because for us, it’s about the people we support, the hope we give them, and the change we help effect in their lives.

rooted in

rooted in

Meet Mr. Hershel Wertheimer, a leader with a calling

Meet Mr. Hershel Wertheimer, a leader with a calling

When he started out in 2017, Hamaspik was servicing 378, clients and staff meetings were held around a large conference table.
By 2024, it had grown to a 4800+ employee organization servicing 4400+ families.

In 2021 Mr. Wertheimer returned to school to earn his LSW.
What motivated him to build up a huge array of services for the developmentally disabled?

And, even more intriguing:

Once Hamaspik of Kings County was well-established as a leader in the OPWDD world, what led Hershel Wertheimer to forge ahead into the arena of mental health?

Hear the answers from
Mr. Wertheimer, MSeD

It’s leadership at its best — and it sets the standard for our entire team

What sets Mr. Wertheimer's leadership apart is the profound impact of his guiding philosophy: ‘I love empowering people to access their potential and achieve great things.’ This philosophy of empowerment fosters a culture where team members are valued and supported, enables individuals of all abilities to access their potential, and contributes to groundbreaking achievements in mental health advocacy and care.

Jessica Banayan

Director of Public Relations and Government Affairs

It’s leadership at its best – and it sets the standard for our entire team

When we give with heart, our clients feel the warmth – and they tell us about it.
When we give with heart, our clients feel the warmth – and they tell us about it.
When we give with heart, our clients feel the warmth – and they tell us about it.
When we give with heart, our clients feel the warmth – and they tell us about it.

Parents share
their stories

“They are going to open doors that you don’t even know are imaginable. Hamaspik went the extra mile, and opened new doors of care that we could get. The services we get from Hamaspik are a game changer for us.”

Rabbi Rothman

“At that moment I knew I’m in good hands.”


“Hamaspik was always there to help us.”

Mrs. Freund

“Hamaspik never forgets my family. For one day in my life I wasn’t worried about leaving my son.”

Mrs. Stein

It has been our unchanging
aim since 1997: If there’s a
need, let’s work to fill it.

By now, Hamaspik of Kings County has an extensive network of locations and services — for you, and for anyone else who may one day need it.

You'll sense these values in every interaction


Care and sensitivity is at the heart of everything we do.

Employee value

Appreciation and respect creates passionate employees.


When it comes to privacy, caring is not sharing.


Continuous training translates into more options for our clients.


Each community is serviced by their own, creating comfort.

At the helm: our
trailblazing team

New programs, new branches, new creative ways to help people; Hamaspik is all about pioneering. Our trailblazing team ventures into unchartered territory with enthusiasm. It’s the energy in the air. More than that — it’s who we are.

Herschel Wertheimer,
M.S. Ed

Executive Director

“Working at Hamaspik isn’t a job; it’s a mission.”

Cheskel Fischer

Director of Residential Services

“A house becomes a home when you run it with heart.”

Joel Lefkowitz

Director of OPWDD HCBS

“We want every client to feel like our only client.”

Mutty Solomon, LMHC

Director of Behavioral Health

“No one is beyond help.”

David Lichtenstater, MHC

Director of Integrated Health

“While the journey may be rocky, we’ll be with you every step of the way.”

Yehuda Spangelet

Director of Day Services

“Learning and fun can — and should — go hand in hand.”

Dini Freund

Director of Intake

“Finding the help you need starts with a single call. And then we’ll do it together.”

Chaya Ringel

Director of Fiscal Intermediary

"Your choice, your path — we’ll offer support so you can have independence."

Chana Baila Horowitz,

Director of Early Intervention Services (Milestones)

“Intervention today leads to success tomorrow.”

Leiby Feder, MSW

Director of CFTSS (Nischazeik)

“We’ll bring help and support right to your door.”

Shlome Fried

Director of Comfort Health HCBS

“Turning struggles into strengths, one step at a time.”

Kuppy Glantz, MSW

HARP Services Program Manager

“Let us help you create the life you want to live.”

Rivka Goldman, LMHC

Director of Sipuk Therapy Clinic

“Therapy isn’t a quick fix — but we aim to make it a long-term one.”

Naftali Tessler

Chief of Staff

“Let’s create today what we dreamed of yesterday.”

Israel Greenzweig

Chief Financial Officer

“Efficiency in finance, excellence in service.”

Shulem Jeremias

Chief Information Officer

“We lay the foundation so every employee can do their best work.”

Zisha Buxbaum

Director of Human Resources

“There’s no greater satisfaction than helping people — and when we help employees, that helps their clients as well.”

Yoel Babad, MSW

Clinical Director of CFTSS (Nischazek)

“Local settings, professional care, real results.”

Sheindy Stern, M.S. Ed

Director of Children’s Care
Management (Health Home)

“When it’s too hard to do it alone, we’ll be at your side.”

Shalva Sashitzky, RN

Director of NHTD/TBI Services

“We enable our seniors to remain at home, surrounded by the people they love.”

Chanie Guttman

Chief Marketing Officer

“We use every possible tool to further Hamaspik’s mission and growth.”

Led by listening

Clients, parents, and caregivers: you are the true experts. You brave the ups and downs, navigating through chaos, crisis, and the challenges of every day. You know best — and we know it.
Please tell us how we can make things easier for you.

If you have a question, or if there’s something Hamaspik can do to help, please reach out.

We’re listening.

All calls are confidential.

All calls are confidential.

We’ll give you a ring as soon as we’re back in the office.
Please tell us how we can best contact you.

Thank you!

We'll give you a ring as soon as we're back in the office
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