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Habilitative ClinicHabilitative Clinic

Habilitative Clinic

Therapeutic and psychiatric services for people with developmental disabilities
Habilitative Clinic

Treatment tailored to people with developmental disabilities

When a person with developmental disabilities needs OT, PT, speech therapy, counseling, or psychiatric services, you want a clinic that specializes in treating people with special needs. 

That’s why Hamaspik’s Article 16 Habilitative Clinic focuses on just that. We work on maintaining and improving daily living skills like eating, dressing, safety, and behavior regulation with the goal of fostering as much independence as possible.

Who is eligible?

Participants must meet these criteria to apply for this service via Hamaspik of Kings County.

  • Live in NYC or Nassau County
  • Have an intellectual or developmental disability
  • Age 18+

Note: The clinic provides psychological evaluations for children and adults of all ages.

As a specialty clinic, we know what’s important to you:

As a specialty clinic, we know what’s important to you:

  • Staffed by top-notch, seasoned therapists with an average of 20 years of experience.
  • Strong emphasis on working with a baseline — to maintain skills already mastered, and acquire new skills.
  • Services are available during school and Day Hab hours for seamless scheduling.
  • Mandated psychological evaluations are performed as a stand-alone service for people of all ages.
  • Services are open to anyone eligible, regardless of whether or not they receive other services from Hamaspik of Kings County.

Culturally Sensitive Staff
Supervised Social Interaction
Fresh Food
On-site professional therapy

Silent no more —
a life transformed

Rochelle, one of our dedicated therapists, was determined to give Shana,* her nonverbal client, the ability to express herself. Rochelle worked tirelessly to get Shana set up with a Lingraphica device — obtaining approval, procuring the device, and setting up the software.  

The results were transformative for Shana and her family, and so gratifying for the therapist! With the device in hand, Shana soon began to express her thoughts and feelings for the very first time, profoundly impacting and improving her quality of life.


The hearts behind the service

Hamaspik Team Member

Suri Wercberger

Habilitative Clinic Director

"Hamaspik's vision comes to life every day. Seeing this passion and drive inspires me tremendously and gives me so much pride to be part of the team.”

Interested in
scheduling an
evaluation at the
Habilitative Clinic?

If you are already OPWDD-approved, reach out to discuss which of our services would be a good fit for you. 
If you don't yet have an OPWDD approval, let us know — our efficient intake team will help you get started.

Note: You may be eligible for a psychological evaluation even if you are not OPWDD-approved. 
Call us to schedule an appointment.

group 26502How our services help you
Siblings are special too

Siblings of children with special needs have special needs, too!

Dr. Sora Yaraslowitz offers wise guidance on dealing with the emotional and practical challenges many sibs face. It’s advice you'll refer to time and again.

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