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Chanukah Joy at Fit with Friends

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Fit with Friends celebrated Chanukah in style with a magnificent Motzaei Shabbos party that left everyone smiling. The theme, “Celebrating the GIFT of friendship, and appreciating your PRESENCE every day,” set the tone for an evening of connection.

The excitement began as the girls and their dedicated volunteers arrived at the beautifully prepared New Skolya Hall on McDonald Avenue. The space was transformed into a festive wonderland, with stunning gift-themed centerpieces and elegant touches that created a magical atmosphere. Adding to the experience was a delicious Melaveh Malkah menu catered by Breakfast&Comfort, featuring a spread that delighted both the eyes and the palate.

The evening's program was packed with fun and memorable moments. A photo booth was a major hit, where the girls got to take their pictures and watch them instantly printed onto crystal keepsakes—treasured souvenirs to remember the night.

The energy and laughter continued with an engaging interactive game show. The trivia questions about the Fit with Friends program, brought out teamwork, knowledge, and lots of cheering.

As the night drew to a close, an unexpected surprise awaited the girls. Each one received a cozy sweater, beautifully customized with the Fit with Friends logo. The thoughtful gift wasn’t just a token of the evening but a lasting reminder of the warmth and camaraderie shared within the program.

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Auditory Sensitivity

My child is sensitive to loud noises
(e.g., sirens, vacuum cleaner).

My child seeks out specific sounds or types of music and appears calmer when listening to them.

Tactile Sensitivity

My child is irritated by certain fabrics or tags in clothing.

My child seems indifferent to sensations that are usually painful or to extreme temperatures.

Visual Sensitivity

My child is sensitive to bright or flashing lights.

My child tends to avoid eye contact.

Taste/Smell Sensitivity

My child constantly prefers bland foods and rejects foods with strong flavors or spices.

My child seeks out strong or unusual smells, such as sniffing food or objects.

Proprioceptive Sensitivity

My child prefers tight hugs or being wrapped in a blanket.

My child is unaware of body position in space (e.g., often bumps into things).

Social Sensitivity

My child becomes anxious or distressed in crowded spaces.

My child is hesitant or resistant to climbing or balancing activities (e.g., jungle gyms, see-saws).

Movement Sensitivity

My child dislikes fast or spinning movements

Vestibular Sensitivity

My child becomes anxious or distressed in crowded spaces.

My child is hesitant or resistant to climbing or balancing activities (e.g., jungle gyms, see-saws).

Please answer all questions before submitting.

Your Child’s Score is

  • 0-15

    Low Sensory Sensitivity

  • 16-30

    Moderate Sensory Sensitivity

  • 31-45

    High Sensory Sensitivity

  • 46-60

    Very High Sensory Sensitivity

0-15: Low Sensory Sensitivity

  • Interpretation: Your child exhibits low levels of sensory sensitivity, usually falling within the typical developmental range.
  • Recommendation: Generally not  a cause for concern. If you have specific worries or notice a sudden change in behavior, consult a healthcare professional for a comprehensive evaluation.
  • 0-15

    Low Sensory Sensitivity

  • 16-30

    Moderate Sensory Sensitivity

  • 31-45

    High Sensory Sensitivity

  • 46-60

    Very High Sensory Sensitivity

16-30: Moderate Sensory Sensitivity

  • Interpretation: Your child displays moderate sensory sensitivity, which may warrant intervention.
  • Recommendation: Consider sensory-friendly activities, sensory sensitive toys, or sensory sensitive clothing like noise-canceling headphones and weighted blankets to improve comfort. If symptoms persist, consult health care professionals.
  • 0-15

    Low Sensory Sensitivity

  • 16-30

    Moderate Sensory Sensitivity

  • 31-45

    High Sensory Sensitivity

  • 46-60

    Very High Sensory Sensitivity

31-45: High Sensory Sensitivity

  • Interpretation: Your child has higher than average sensory sensitivity that may interfere with daily functioning.
  • Recommendation: Seek a detailed evaluation by health care professionals for sensory integration therapy options and potential environmental modifications.
  • 0-15

    Low Sensory Sensitivity

  • 16-30

    Moderate Sensory Sensitivity

  • 31-45

    High Sensory Sensitivity

  • 46-60

    Very High Sensory Sensitivity

46-60: Very High Sensory Sensitivity

  • Interpretation: Your child demonstrates high levels of sensory sensitivity that could significantly interfere with daily life.
  • Recommendation: If your child displays this level of sensory sensitivity, it’s highly recommended that you consult with a health care professional for a multi-disciplinary assessment. You will probably be directed towards early intervention programs and specialized support.

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Chanukah Joy at Fit with Friends

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